Coconut Chicken

Coconut Chicken

Though not a classic variety of hot pot by strict mainland standards, coconut chicken is delicious any time of the year and is enjoyed all the way from China’s southernmost tip to the northern city of Harbin.What makes the broth so popular is, of course, coconut water, which gives a sweet, juicy taste to anything you toss into the pot.To make the broth, we recommend you fill the pot with an equal amount of filtered water and coconut water, several slices of coconut meat and bony chicken cuts.

Popular ingredients to cook inside include Chinese cabbage, squid balls, bamboo fungus , enokitake (a type of mushroom), Chinese yams, tofu sheets, lotus root and water chestnuts.Don’t skimp on your dipping sauce – great coconut chicken hot pot relies on a peppy side sauce, which you can make yourself using diced scallions, ‘facing heaven pepper’ , mashed galangal , soy bean sauce, chopped red chilies, crushed peanuts and lime. You can also add coriander and garlic to your liking.

One special Shenzhen dish that complete your trip is called Coconut Chicken Hotpot: a Shenzhen style hotpot (less spicy) with chicken soup. Note: You can make half of the pot vegetarian with tofu and veggie. You often have it with a fresh coconut as the drink. Want to know which is the best coconut chicken restaurant in Shenzhen? Looking for a private tour in Shenzhen? Check us out soon at our website !